The Balsham Map Project

The Balsham Map Project intends to map the history of the village from 1617 to the present day.  Drawing on the wealth of local history we will chart the history of Balsham through the eyes of cartographers and people who lived here.

We’re aiming to publish a book in 2017 to commemorate the creation of the 1617 London Charterhouse Map of Balsham. If we can raise enough money, we would like to give a book to every household in the village.

Get involved by joining us. If you have an interest in local history, fund raising, event coordination of editing please let us know.

You can dedicate your book. We will raise funds by giving space in the book for the community of Balsham to place dedications in return for a donation.

Interested? Find out more by logging on to or telephone 01223 893915.